How to convert h5 model to tflite (TensorFlow Lite) model

Alex G.
Dec 6, 2020


How to convert h5 model to tflite model (Photo,GIF by Author)

Short summary:

In this article, I will explain how to convert h5 model to tflite model. In this article, I will use Colab . Code for this article is available here.

So, Let’s start :)

We need to convert the model from h5 format to tflite format.

At first, we need to create a neural network model with h5 format.

I have already done it in the article below. So in this article, you do NOT NEED to DO IT.

Convert h5 model to tflite model

For that, we can use my notebook. And you can see a small gif guide below :)

How to convert h5 model to tflite model (Photo,GIF by Author)

I saved these converted tflite model here.



Alex G.

ML DevOps engineer. πŸ™‚ I am always open to new opportunities and offers. πŸ–– I trying to help the world 🌏 with machine learning.